If you purchased a ticket to one of our events and need to "UPGRADE" it for a higher-priced admission ticket of a different type, follow the instructions below -
**We can’t downgrade tickets to lower values. Please purchase your new ticket and contact customer service, and they can refund the old, higher-priced ticket.**
1. Go to your Leap order confirmation in your email
2. Make sure to claim your ticket if you haven't already
3. Under your ticket product type, click the PURPLE button, "Upgrade Your Products."
4. On the drop-down menu, select the Product to either "UPGRADE" with (products of the same price) or upgrade to (pay the price difference).
5. Make sure all the requested information is filled out correctly and push the "Submit Upgrade" order button.
5. You will receive a new confirmation email from Leap with your new ticket order.
***If you see the error message below, the Products you can upgrade to are either yet to be on sale or sold out.
FanX® Salt Lake Comic Convention is September 25-27, 2025, at the Salt Palace Convention Center
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